
Playtech Software
Playtech, market leaders in the gambling and financial trading industries.
Leaders in next generation technology and content; regulated markets and responsible gambling.
Pioneers of Omni-channel gambling offering seamless, anytime, anywhere gameplay; of the ultimate gaming experience; and the best-performing content.
Innovators in games design; software and services; and data-driven optimisation.
We deliver the complete solution and game changing results for the worlds biggest brands.
Leaders in next generation technology and content; regulated markets and responsible gambling.
Pioneers of Omni-channel gambling offering seamless, anytime, anywhere gameplay; of the ultimate gaming experience; and the best-performing content.
Innovators in games design; software and services; and data-driven optimisation.
We deliver the complete solution and game changing results for the worlds biggest brands.
добавлена: 4 года назад
5000 usd / 100 часов