Dmitry Kotov

15$ в час
Город фрилансера:
Время фрилансера:
июль 2020
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Рейтинг: 74

eSmart OPU - DK

Analysis of the relationship between the oculomotor system and the central the nervous system contributes to the study of the mechanisms of the brain and their violation, identification of the dynamics of psychophysiological states of a person, patterns perception, thinking, ideas, differentiation of goals and attitudes of the individual. The increasing use of eye tracking hardware in experimental studies of neural processes determines the demand for specialized software for determining the coordinates of the pupil of the eye in video frames obtained during eye tracking. instrumental software that automatically recognizes pupil images eyes on the sequence of video recording frames and calculating their coordinates. An important feature of this information technology is undemanding hardware. The experiment can be carried out using modern smartphone equipped with a video camera with a resolution of 12Mpx or more, with a frequency of at least 120fps and 1800MHz processor for processing da
добавлена: 3 года назад