Архив: Technical Translator – a challengin

Бюджет По договоренности
Создан: 16 лет назад

• Translate, edit and proofread technical and marketing materials as assigned, such as:

- Brochures, datasheets, whitepapers, technical manuals, RFIs/RFPs
- Website
- Press-releases
- Information on new product launches, sales contests, and marketing materials

• Stay up-to-date on current Telecom/IT/Digital TV trends and terminology

• Translate with imagination, visual depth and clarity in a style appropriate to each equipment manufacturer’s corporate standard


• Fluent English and Russian
• Solid Telecom/IT/Digital TV translation experience
• Excellent written communication skills
• Function well under pressure and complete projects within strict deadlines
• Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously
• Excellent organizational skills
• Strong creative abilities and attention to detail
• Excellent computer skills — Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook and Internet software are an advantage

About the company
EZSolutionS LLC specializes in helping new-entrant communications/IT equipment manufacturers establish and develop their presence in Russia and the FSU.

Contact Information
Natalya Afanasyeva
+7(495) 769 44 67
[email protected]

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