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Создан: 4 года назад
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Outside the crib be sub-zero temperature.
My body tropical, typical hedonism, optimism is my signature.
Come follow me, follow me, lo behold the beauty of Siberia area.
For real-a we're friendlier.
Feel the beat, get in the rhythm. Spittin' em' bars, I am on fire.
Dynamite, pure mesmerism. Omskiy bacon, my desire.
Seeing is believing, no dreaming.
So great is the feeling, refreshingly authentic KUMBAYA moment, you feel me?
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.
Seize the present, what tomorrow brings you never know. Hero or zero.
Autumn or winter YOLO!
Spring or the summer YOLO!
Come to Siberia you know "you only live once" YOLO!

Hey wassup! You better take it easy.
Come rain come shine. We gon be always busy.
It's not where you from. It is the place where you at.
In Siberia we at. It is the place we're strong.
Hey wassup! You better take it easy.
Come rain come shine. We gon be always busy.
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.
Seize the present, what tomorrow brings you never know. Hero or zero.

Siberia is 40 percent of russian land area,
Separately could be the largest country in the world.
40 million in population, spacious and gracious,
the epitome of nature's beauty, Imma need a thousand words.
No need to fret, I know it's easier to switch it on
and get your groove on when the sun be shining down instead of clouds.
Check it out we can go snow bathing, sightseeing, exploring
The Baikal, the northern lights. A lot of things that make you go wow!

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