Бюджет 242$ / 14500
в месяц
Создан: 3 года назад
На модерации
ItemForge MMO Shop is recruiting boosters for the upcoming Diablo games and other titles we currently do not have in our shop.

We Require:
- Attention to details.
- Professionalism.
- Passion for MMO games.
- Ability to read, adapt and learn fast (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date).
- Minimum 40h a week.
- At least communicative English
- Stable internet + PC able to handle the newest MMO games.

BOOSTER 40+h a week (1-3$ / hour – about 200-500$ / month)
Special requirements: online a lot.
This offer is for basic services (minimal game knowledge and average+ skills). If you are a very skilled gamer and can supply premium (top rating) boosts without our help (know-how and accounts), then please send us a list + price of services you can provide via supply channel. Any popular game will work, not just the ones we have in the shop right now.
This work is about achieving specific goals within a set deadline. The more games you learn, the more orders you will be eligible to get so we suggest learning minimum three. You should know at least one of them quite well already, otherwise you will need to learn it. If you prove to be efficient and reliable, it will become a full time job.

You will be doing either on demand live boosting (playing with the customer) or perform grinds/leveling on customer's account or a mix of both. Please indicate in your application which delivery method appeals to you the most.
Services must be performed 100% by hand, you are not allowed to use or install anything beside the official game client and VPN Tunnel, which will be provided – you will play from the same location as customer (anywhere in the world).

If you are very efficient and creative, you can complete some (but not all) of the orders a few times faster or do 2-3 orders at the same time. This means double or even triple hourly rate but it is very random so you need to be ok with the basic rate, even during jobs that take weeks to complete. Other than that, there is no advancement/promotion opportunity, your base rate will never increase.
You will be paid a fixed price for an average delivery time, deadlines are very fair and you are not expected to play more than 8-12 hours a day. Whenever you complete order in 50% or 150% of the time, you will still be paid the same amount, this way efficiency is encouraged.
This position will require good enough PC to handle the newest games (sometimes multiple clients opened at the same time) and patience for menial tasks. 

Need all of the following information in your offer, failing to provide a clear answer to any of the topics will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined. 
1. Which position are you applying for, why that one? Which responsibility do you find the most/the least appealing? What will you be doing most of the time (what do you think this position is all about)?
2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers – best out of 3).
3. Experience in online gaming industry and Diablo knowledge.
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours).
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work and for order delivery positions, also how many hours you will be available).
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price.
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes).
8. Cover letter (Why do you want this job? What makes you the right fit? Why should we give you a chance?).
9. Previous work experience and where you are from.
10. PC & internet specifications.
11. Additional requirements:
- Booster: Can you stream? Do you want to perform mostly Self Play or Account Share?
Источник: fl.ru

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