Бюджет По договоренности
Создан: 4 года назад
Hello! The Ultrashot team is looking for an experienced video editor to edit wedding videos. We help videographers around the world and want to find a talented person who can adapt to the different styles of our clients.Requirements:- Experience with Final Cut or Adobe Premier;

- Ear for music, sense of rhythm;

- Ability to work with Google Drive and Dropbox for receiving / transmitting materials;

- Fast Internet (for quick loading / unloading of materials);

- A powerful computer and enough memory to work with large files, including 4K.

Duties:- Editing of wedding videos.

Working conditions:- Remote work (online, not in the office).

- Payment per project.

Be sure to include in the accompanying text:- Links to 2-3 best weddings edited by you + description of what exactly was done (selection of music / color correction ...).

- What program are you editing?

- How many days will you need to edit a 3-8 minute wedding video (from uploading the raw material to the final result).

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Источник: jobsmarket.com.ua