Архив: B2B support specialist. Киев.

Бюджет По договоренности
Создан: 3 года назад
Hello friends!

We are looking forB2B partners specialists for the international company SoftConstruct, which is a global provider of technologies and services in the field of Betting and Gambling (Kyiv office).

Our team:

- 3 specialists in Kyiv

- 35 specialists in Yerevan

We are providing prompt assistance in resolving issues for B2B partners in the field of Betting and Gambling.

What are you going to do:

- Receive applications from partners through a specialized system, Jira, Skype, e-mail;

- Track, distribute, and redirect received applications to the appropriate departments, control of the execution of applications;

- Support of communication with other departments of the company to resolve the emerging requests of partners;

- Prioritize tasks to transfer them to the appropriate company team;

- Provide prompt feedback to partners (within 5 minutes), inform about the results of resolving requests;

- Assist, answer questions, help in solving arisen applications and tasks;

- Maintain detailed reports on the results of communication to resolve the issues of partners.

What is important to us for this position:

- Work experience from 1 year in technical support or call-center is very preferable;

- Competent and clean speech, fluent Russian, and Ukrainian. English — from the Intermediate level (required);

- Customer focus and stress tolerance, the ability to be patient and understanding;

- Analytical mindset, self-learning ability, responsibility;

- Fluency in a computer and basic programs, as well as communication tools — Skype, e-mail, and Viber;

- Ability to work under tight deadlines and pressure;

- Jira experience is a plus;

- Understanding sports, sports betting, casino basics.

What are we ready to give you:

- Convenient office near the Lukyanivska metro station;

- Paid two-week internship and training;

- A good salary based on your knowledge and skills;

- Shift schedule, which includes 5 shifts per week with morning (09: 00−17: 00) and evening (17: 00−01: 00) shifts;

- The night shift is compensated for the cost of a taxi to get home from work;

- Paid vacation 24 calendar days;

- Paid sick leave

- Friendly team and warm atmosphere.

So what are you waiting for?

Send us your CV!

Let’s get acquainted!

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