Бюджет По договоренности
Создан: 9 лет назад
Hi, we are looking for freelance writers, copywriters and editors!

Position involves researching and writing original essays and course works on various topics in English. Depending on the area of interest, you can choose the subjects, deadlines and the price. The job is centered on the ability to collect, analyze and evaluate the information efficiently, communicating it back in the form of a coherent answer, which precisely addresses the initial questions.

The sum you earn is paid twice a month in USD and varies from 3$ to 16$ per double spaced 275 words page = average 5$ per page/hour.

• Fluent English
• 3rd year of Bachelor program or higher
• Passion about 1 or several subjects
• Ability to work at least 10 hours per week (the more the better :-))

Are you ready to join our team?! You are welcome to contact us/send your CV via email [email protected]

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