Название: Infrastructure Powering Modern Capital Markets Sei is the first sector-specific Layer 1 blockchain, specialized for trading. Every aspect of the blockchain has been optimized to help exchanges run better and offer the best UX for their end users. 1. Highly Secure -Sei is secured by some of the most well-respected institutions and validators in the world. -Built using the Cosmos SDK and Tendermint Core, a tech stack that has been battle tested by some of the largest chains 2. Massively Scalable Decentralized exchanges are here to stay. The next frontier is scaling them. Sei is capable of scaling to support the largest exchanges in the world, truly making it the modern NASDAQ. 3. Specialized for Exchanges -Sei features a native order matching engine that any application can leverage to instantly spin up new markets. -Optimizations across the stack give exchanges every advantage they need to offer the best user experience. 4. The Fastest Chain -Sei is the fastest chain to finality in the market today - 5x faster than Solana. -The Sei infrastructure guarantees lightning-fast transactions without sacrificing security or stability. 5. New Financial Products -The combination of Sei optimizations make it possible for new types of financial products to emerge - everything ranging from live sports betting to complex options and futures. -As the first use-case specific Layer 1, Sei unlocks a new design space for financial applications in Web3. 6. Purpose-built -Decentralized exchanges succeed in spite of the Layer 1 infrastructure they are built on, frequently having to build around Layer 1 shortcomings. -Exchanges have a unique set of requirements unlike any other application - they demand high performance and constant reliability. Ссылка внизу по центру https://www.seinetwork.io/ Инфографика в морском стиле,с кораблем и матросом